Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Starting a blog. Again.

I thought it was about time to get back to blogging, so I...

Look! A squirrel!

Squirrels are cute, considering they are essentially rats with bushy tails, but those excessively friendly ones make me uneasy. The one in this picture was stalking us on a family picnic on Roanoke Island, NC a couple of years ago. It was far closer than a "wild" animal should be, and those beady eyes were chilling. Can't you feel the fear, just looking at it?  Maybe you had to be there.

I once read an interesting factoid about squirrels: when their nests get too messy, they simply leave them behind and build new ones. As the mother of three teenagers, that frankly makes a lot of sense to me.

Back to blogging. 

I had a little-used Wordpress blog called finewithme, on which I posted 11 times in 8 months a couple of years ago.  I enjoyed the writing I did on that blog, but it was largely ignored (by me and others).  I was never quite sure what I hoped to do there, and I couldn't figure out how to transition it into some of the circles on the Venn diagram of me.

So, like the squirrel with the messy nest, I'm leaving that blog to build another. Maybe I'll visit from time to time, maybe not. I expect that I will write here about things related to my life as an educator, an Episcopalian, a social media fan, a wife and a mom, and more.

Obviously we'll be singing. And of course we'll have some laughs along the way.

Thanks for coming along.

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